A. L. Pyayt, I. I. Mokhov, and A. P. Kozionov.
Интеллектуальная система мониторинга состояния объектов критической инфраструктуры.
2013(4), pp. 84-86.
L. Mountrakis, E. Lorenz, and A. G. Hoekstra.
Where do the platelets go? A simulation study of fully resolved blood flow through aneurysmal vessels.
Interface Focus
3(2), p. 20120089.
E. R. Dugundji and L. Gulyás.
Understanding Emergence in a Fully-Specified Nested Logit Model.
R. Quax, A. Apolloni, and P. M. A. Sloot.
Towards understanding the behavior of physical systems using information theory.
The European Physical Journal - Special Topics
222(6), pp. 1389-1401.
A. V. Yakushev, A. V. Boukhanovsky, and P. M. A. Sloot.
Topic Crawler for Social Networks Monitoring.
Knowledge Engineering and the Semantic Web.
pp. 214-227.
PhD Thesis
P. Ramos-Silva, J. Kaandorp, L. Huisman, B. Marie, I. Zanella-Cléon, N. Guichard, D. J. Miller, and F. Marin.
The skeletal proteome of the coral Acropora millepora: the evolution of calcification by co-option and domain shuffling.
Molecular Biology and evolution
30(9), pp. 2099-2112.
B. Marie, D. J. Jackson, P. Ramos-Silva, I. Zanella-Cléon, N. Guichard, and F. Marin.
The shell-forming proteome of Lottia gigantea reveals both deep conservations and lineage-specific novelties.
The FEBS Journal
280(1), pp. 214-232.
N. Toth, L. Gulyas, R. O. Legendi, P. Duijn, P. M. A. Sloot, and G. Kampis.
The importance of centralities in dark network value chains.
The European Physical Journal - Special Topics
222(6), pp. 1413-1439.
R. Quax, A. Apolloni, and P. M. A. Sloot.
The diminishing role of hubs in dynamical processes on complex networks.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
10(88), 20130568.
V. S. Lebanin, V. V. Krzhizhanovskaya, and S. E. Alexandrov.
The dependence of the rate constant of the interaction between two excited particles on the excitation energy and temperature. Verification of the model with examples transfer of electronic excitation energy of the argon atom and the nitrogen molecule in the reaction of dissociation of nitrogen atom of argon.
Technical Physics Letters
PhD Thesis
P. Sequeira dos Ramos Silva.
The biocalcification of mollusk shells and coral skeletons: Integrating molecular, proteomics and bioinformatics methods.
Supervised by
P. M. A. Sloot, J. A. Kaandorp, and F. G. Marin.
T. Ishiyama, S. Rieder, J. Makino, S. Portegies Zwart, D. Groen, K. Nitadori, C. de Laat, S. McMillan, K. Hiraki, and S. Harfst.
The Cosmogrid simulation: Statistical properties of small dark matter halos.
Astrophysical Journal
767(2), 146.
I. Bartha, M. Assel, P. M. A. Sloot, M. Zazzi, C. Torti, E. Schülter, A. De Luca, A. Sönnerborg, A. B. Abecasis, K. Van Laethem, A. Rosi, J. Svärd, R. Paredes, D. A. M. C. van de Vijver, A.-M. Vandamme, and V. Müller.
Superinfection with drug-resistant HIV is rare and does not contribute substantially to therapy failure in a large European cohort.
BMC Infectious Diseases
13, p. 537.
A. Czaplicka, J. A. Hołyst, and P. M. A. Sloot.
Stochastic resonance for information flows on hierarchical networks.
The European Physical Journal - Special Topics
222(6), pp. 1335-1345.
MSc Thesis
J. Hofman.
SPVAs: Grid GPU Implementation \& Risk Assessment of Investment Strategies.
Supervised by
B. D. Kandhai, D. Schrager, and V. Sergeev.
J. T. I. Tanzil, B. E. Brown, R. P. Dunne, J. N. Lee, J. A. Kaandorp, and P. A. Todd.
Regional decline in growth rates of massive Porites corals in Southeast Asia.
Global Change Biology
19(10), pp. 3011-3023.
P. Libin, G. Beheydt, K. Deforche, S. Imbrechts, F. Ferreira, K. Van Laethem, K. Theys, A. P. Carvalho, J. Cavaco-Silva, G. Lapadula, C. Torti, M. Assel, S. Wesner, J. Snoeck, J. Ruelle, A. de Bel, P. Lacor, P. de Munter, E. van Wijngaerden, M. Zazzi, R. Kaiser, A. Ayouba, M. Peeters, T. de Oliveira, L. C. J. Alcantara, Z. Grossman, P. Sloot, D. Otelea, S. Paraschiv, C. Boucher, R. J. Camacho, and A.-M. Vandamme.
RegaDB: Community-driven data management and analysis for infectious diseases.
29(11), pp. 1477-1480.
L. B. Carey, D. van Dijk, P. M. A. Sloot, J. A. Kaandorp, and E. Segal.
Promoter sequence determines the relationship between expression level and noise.
PLoS Biology
11(4), e1001528.
A. Afanasyeva, S. Ponyaev, and V. Krgiganovskaya.
Numerical simulation of synthesis of fullerenes by the arc discharge method.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
461, 012043.
A. Czaplicka, J. A. Holyst, and P. M. A. Sloot.
Noise enhances information transfer in hierarchical networks.
Scientific Reports
3, 1223.
J. Borgdorff, M. Mamonski, B. Bosak, D. Groen, M. Ben Belgacem, K. Kurowski, and A. G. Hoekstra.
Multiscale Computing with the Multiscale Modeling Library and Runtime Environment.
Procedia Computer Science
18, pp. 1097-1105.
MSc Thesis
A. M. Abdol.
Multi-objective optimization approach to infer Drosophila gene regulatory parameters.
Supervised by
J. A. Kaandorp and F. R. Jansson.
H. Tahir, C. Bona-Casas, and A. G. Hoekstra.
Modelling the Effect of a Functional Endothelium on the Development of In-Stent Restenosis.
8(6), e66138.
A. S. Afanasieva, S. A. Ponyaev, and V. V. Krzhizhanovskaya.
Modelling processes in the shock tube experiments with ignition of combustible gas mixtures.
Technical Physics Letters
H. Tahir, C. Bona-Casas, and A. G. Hoekstra.
Modelling in-stent restenosis: morphological differences in the tissue patterns based on the origin of endothelium recovery.
N. Chindapol, J. A. Kaandorp, C. Cronemberger, T. Mass, and A. Genin.
Modelling growth and form of the scleractinian coral Pocillopora verrucosa and the influence of hydrodynamics.
PLoS Computational Biology
9(1), e1002849.
PhD Thesis
H. Tahir.
Modelling and simulating the dynamics of in-stent restenosis in porcine coronary arteries.
Supervised by
P. M. A. Sloot and A. G. Hoekstra.
Vaisagh Viswanathan and Michael Lees.
Modeling and analyzing the human cognitive limits for perception in crowd simulation.
Transactions on Computational Science XVII.
pp. 51-72.
N. B. Melnikova, V. V. Krzhizhanovskaya, and P. M. A. Sloot.
Modeling Earthen Dike Stability: Sensitivity Analysis and Automatic Calibration of Diffusivities Based on Live Sensor Data.
Journal of Hydrology
N. Javaheri, C. M. Cronemberger, and J. A. Kaandorp.
Modeling Biosilicification at Subcellular Scales.
Biomedical Inorganic Polymers.
pp. 117-141.
J. A. Kaandorp.
Macroscopic modelling of environmental influence on growth and form of sponges and corals using the accretive growth model.
ISRN Biomathematics
2013, p. 159170.
Daniel Zehe, Heiko Aydt, Michael Lees, and Alois Knoll.
JavaScript distributed agent based discrete event simulation.
Proceedings - 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, DS-RT 2013.
J. Simm, D. Jordan, A. Topple, I. Mokhov, A. Pyayt, T. Abdoun, V. Bennett, J. Broekhuijsen, and R. Meijer.
Interpreting sensor measurements in dikes - experiences from UrbanFlood pilot sites.
In: Comprehensive Flood Risk Management: research for policy and practice.
ISBN 9780203374511 .
pp. 81-82.
L. Luo, H. Yin, W. Cai, M. Lees, and S. Zhou.
Interactive scenario generation for mission-based virtual training.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
24(3-4), pp. 345-354.
A. P. Kozionov, A. L. Pyayt, and V. T. Kusherbaeva.
Intelligent signal processing for dike health monitoring.
In: Automation & control: proceedings of the International Conference of Young Scientists, St. Petersburg, Russia, 21-22 November 2013.
ISBN 9785742241645.
pp. 188-193.
PhD Thesis
R. Quax, D. Kandhai, and P. M. A. Sloot.
Information dissipation as an early-warning signal for the Lehman Brothers collapse in financial time series.
Scientific Reports
3, 1898.
R. Quax, D. A. M. C. van de Vijver, D. Frentz, and P. M. A. Sloot.
Inferring epidemiological parameters from phylogenetic information for the HIV-1 epidemic among MSM.
The European Physical Journal - Special Topics
222(6), pp. 1347-1358.
H. Tahir, C. Bona-Casas, and A. G. Hoekstra.
In-stent restenosis patterns based on the origin of endothelium recovery.
MSc Thesis
J. Hofmann.
Heterogeneous Multiscale Simulations of Blood Flow.
Supervised by
A. G. Hoekstra and E. Lorenz.
MSc Thesis
A. Theiakos.
GPU-based hedging of a mortgage portfolio using Monte-Carlo and finite difference methods.
Supervised by
B. D. Kandhai, J. Tas, and H. van der Lem.
J. Borgdorff, J.-L. Falcone, E. Lorenz, C. Bona-Casas, B. Chopard, and A. G. Hoekstra.
Foundations of distributed multiscale computing: formalization, specification, and analysis.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
73(4), pp. 465-483.
MSc Thesis
S. van Geldermalsen.
FlowCL -- Declarative dataflow API for heterogeneous platform computing.
Supervised by S. Olabarriaga, A. S. Z. Belloum, and H. Marquering.
B. E. Pengel, V. V. Krzhizhanovskaya, N. B. Melnikova, G. S. Shirshov, A. R. Koelewijn, A. L. Pyayt, and I. I. Mokhov.
Flood early warning system: sensors and internet.
Floods: from risk to opportunity.
pp. 445-453.
D. Groen, J. Borgdorff, C. Bona-Casas, J. Hetherington, R. W. Nash, S. J. Zasada, I. Saverchenko, M. Mamonski, K. Kurowski, M. O. Bernabeu, A. G. Hoekstra, and P. V. Coveney.
Flexible composition and execution of high performance, high fidelity multiscale biomedical simulations.
Interface Focus
3(2), 20120087.
C. Bona-Casas, J. Borgdorff, H. Tahir, and A. G. Hoekstra.
First results on a 3D model for in-stent restenosis.
MSc Thesis
C. Chen.
Explicit modelling of membrane-bound structures in the cellular Potts model.
Supervised by
R. M. H. Merks and J. A. Kaandorp.
MSc Thesis
L. J. Dijkstra.
Essays in Computational Science.
Supervised by
P. M. A. Sloot.
PhD Thesis
J. T. I. Tanzil.
Environmental controls of coral growth: Data driven multi-scale analyses of rates and patterns of growth in massive Porites corals around the Thai-Malay Peninsula.
Supervised by
P. M. A. Sloot and J. A. Kaandorp.