ArticleMultiscale computing in the exascale era. Journal of Computational Science 22, pp. 15-25..
ArticleMultiscale Modelling and Simulation, 14th International Workshop. Procedia Computer Science 108, pp. 1811-1812..
ChapterMore likely we would be ritually slaughtered. In: 43 Visions for Complexity. ISBN 9789813206854. pp. 65-66..
ArticleModels of Pedestrian Adaptive Behaviour in Hot Outdoor Public Spaces. Procedia Computer Science 108, pp. 185-194..
ArticleModelling the impact of household life cycle on slums in Bangalore. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 64, pp. 275-287..
ArticleModelling the distance impedance of protest attendance. Physica A : Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 468, pp. 171-182..
BookInternational Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2017..
ArticleHemocell: a high-performance microscopic cellular library. Procedia Computer Science 108, pp. 159-165..
ArticleErratum to. Behavior Research Methods 49(4), p. 1569..
ArticleEfficient Estimation of Sensitivities for Counterparty Credit Risk with the Finite Difference Monte Carlo Method. Journal of Computational Finance 21(1), pp. 83-113..
ArticleDesign and evaluation of a data-driven scenario generation framework for game-based training. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 9(3), pp. 213-226..
ArticleData through the Computational Lens. Journal of Computational Science 20, pp. 81-84..
ArticleCellular Level In-silico Modeling of Blood Rheology with An Improved Material Model for Red Blood Cells. Frontiers in Physiology 8, 563..
ArticleAutomatic model construction for the behavior of human crowds. Applied Soft Computing 56, pp. 368-378..
ArticleAnomaly detection in earth dam and levee passive seismic data using support vector machines and automatic feature selection. Journal of Computational Science 20, pp. 143-153..
ProceedingsAnomaly detection in earth dam and levee passive seismic data using multivariate Gaussian. In: ICMLA 2017 : 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications. ISBN 9781538614174, 9781538614181. pp. 685-690..
ArticleAnomaly Detection in Clinical Data of Patients Undergoing Heart Surgery. Procedia Computer Science 108, pp. 99-108..
ArticleAnalysis of Computational Science Papers from ICCS 2001-2016 using Topic Modeling and Graph Theory. Procedia Computer Science 108, pp. 7-17..
ArticleA physical description of the adhesion and aggregation of platelets. Royal Society Open Science 4, 170219..
ArticleA novel technique to combine and analyse spatial and temporal expression datasets: A case study with the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis to identify potential gene interactions. Developmental Biology 428(1), pp. 204-214..
ArticleA cell-based mechanical model of coronary artery tunica media. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14, 20170028..
ArticleA Comparison of Fully-Coupled 3D In-Stent Restenosis Simulations to In-vivo Data. Frontiers in Physiology 8, 284..
ArticleTowards the virtual artery: a multiscale model for vascular physiology at the physics–chemistry–biology interface. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 374(2080), 20160146..
ArticleThe influence of memory on indoor environment exploration: A numerical study. Behavior Research Methods 48(2), pp. 621-639..
ProceedingsTechniques to integrate patient-specific simulation of aneurysmal blood flow into the clinical workflow. In: ECCOMAS Congress 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. ISBN 9786188284401. pp. 147-154..
ChapterSystems Biology and Health Systems Complexity. In: The Digital Patient. ISBN 9781118952788 . pp. 73-84..
PhD ThesisSpatial gene expression quantification in changing morphologies. Supervised by P. M. A. Sloot and J. A. Kaandorp..
ArticleSmile and Default: The Role of Stochastic Volatility and Interest Rates in Counterparty Credit Risk. Quantitative Finance 16(11), pp. 1725-1740..
ArticleSimulating an Impact of Road Network Improvements on the Performance of Transportation Systems under Critical Load: Agent-based Approach. Procedia Computer Science 101, pp. 253-261..
ArticleScaling of shear-induced diffusion and clustering in a blood-like suspension. Europhysics Letters 114(1), 14002..
ProceedingsReproducibility of Two Innate Immune System Models. In: Digital Transformation and Global Society. ISBN 9783319497006. pp. 501-514..
ProceedingsPreface. In: Digital Transformation and Global Society. ISBN 9783319497006. pp. V-VI..
ArticlePartitioning of Arterial Tree for Parallel Decomposition of Hemodynamic Calculations. Procedia Computer Science 80, p. 977–987..
ArticleNonparametric estimation of Fisher information from real data. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 93(2), 023301..
ArticleMultiscale modelling and simulation, 13th international workshop. Procedia Computer Science 80, pp. 1242-1243..
ArticleLuminescence and density banding patterns in massive Porites corals around the Thai-Malay Peninsula, Southeast Asia. Limnology and Oceanography 61(6), pp. 2003-2026..
BookInternational Conference on Computational Science 2016, ICCS 2016..
ArticleInformation geometric analysis of phase transitions in complex patterns: the case of the Gray-Scott reaction-diffusion model. Journal of Statistical Mechanics : Theory and Experiment 2016(4), 043301..
ArticleImmune System Model Calibration by Genetic Algorithm. Procedia Computer Science 101, pp. 161-171..
ChapterFrom Molecules to Morphologies, a Multiscale Modeling Approach to Unravel the Complex System of Coral Calcification. In: The Cnidaria, Past, Present and Future. ISBN 9783319313054. pp. 223-236..
ArticleFrom MDMA to Lady Gaga. Procedia Computer Science 101, pp. 96-106..
ArticleEfficient computation of exposure profiles on real-world and risk-neutral scenarios for Bermudan swaptions. Journal of Computational Finance 20(1), pp. 139-172..
PhD ThesisEfficient PDE based numerical estimation of credit and liquidity risk measures for realistic derivative portfolios. ISBN 978-94-028-0408-9. Supervised by P. M. A. Sloot and B. D. Kandhai..
ArticleDevelopment and simulation of microfluidic Wheatstone bridge for high-precision sensor. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 738, 012071..
PhD ThesisDetecting and disrupting criminal networks. ISBN 978-90-77595-41-1. Supervised by A. G. Hoekstra and Z. J. M. H. Geradts..
ArticleData-driven Travel Demand Modelling and Agent-based Traffic Simulation in Amsterdam Urban Area. Procedia Computer Science 80, pp. 2030-2041..
ArticleData through the Computational Lens, Preface for ICCS 2016. Procedia Computer Science 80, pp. 1-7..
ArticleCrack detection in earth dam and levee passive seismic data using support vector machines. Procedia Computer Science 80, pp. 577-586..
ArticleCorrigendum to “The discrete dipole approximation: An overview and recent developments” [J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 106 (2007) 558–589]. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 171, pp. 82-83..
ArticleCorrigendum to “Experience of using FEM for real-time flood early warning systems: Monitoring and modelling Boston levee instability”. Journal of Computational Science 16, pp. 225-226..
ArticleComputer Simulation Approach in Development of Propane-air Combustor Microreactor. Procedia Computer Science 101, pp. 76-85..
PhD ThesisBiosilicification mechanisms: An investigation using computational modeling and experimentation. ISBN 9789402801125. Supervised by P. M. A. Sloot and J. A. Kaandorp..
ChapterAnatomy and Physiology of Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Systems Medicine. In: Systems Medicine. ISBN 9781493932832. pp. 375-404..
ArticleAbnormally high oscillator strengths of the graphene nanoribbons electronic spectrum. RSC Advances 6(79), pp. 75937-75942..
ArticleA novel three-jet microreactor for localized metal-organic chemical vapour deposition of gallium arsenide. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 741, 012018..
Article3D simulation and analytical model of chemical heating during silicon wet etching in microchannels. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 681, 012035..
ArticleYoung Researchers Advancing Computational Science: Perspectives of the Young Scientists Conference 2015. Procedia Computer Science 66, pp. 1-4..
PhD ThesisTransport of blood cells studied with fully resolved models. ISBN 9789462597754. Supervised by P. M. A. Sloot and A. G. Hoekstra..
ArticleTopological Characterization of Complex Systems: Using Persistent Entropy. Entropy 17(10), pp. 6872-6892..
ArticleSimulating city-level airborne infectious diseases. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 51, pp. 97-105..
ArticleScaling description of positive magnetoresistivity in doped dilute magnetic semiconductors. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 383(1), pp. 44-49..
ArticleSIM-CITY: An e-Science Framework for Urban Assisted Decision Support. Procedia Computer Science 51, pp. 2327-2336..
ArticleRussian-Dutch double-degree Master’s programme in computational science in the age of global education. Journal of Computational Science 10, pp. 288-298..
ArticlePerspectives of the International Conference of Computational Science 2014. Journal of Computational Science 10, pp. 247-248..
ArticleParallel performance of an IB-LBM suspension simulation framework. Journal of Computational Science 9, pp. 45-50..
ArticleOn the Possible Interaction Mechanism between Collateral Vessels and Restenosis. Procedia Computer Science 66, pp. 412-418..
ArticleNumerical prediction of the IJkDijk trial embankment failure. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Geotechnical Engineering 168(2), pp. 158-171..
ArticleMultiscale Modelling and Simulation Workshop: 12 Years of Inspiration. Procedia Computer Science 51, pp. 1082-1087..
ArticleModeling chemical vapor deposition of silicon dioxide in microreactors at atmospheric pressure. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 574, 012145..
BookInternational Conference On Computational Science, ICCS 2015: Computational Science at the Gates of Nature..
ArticleInformation impact on transportation systems. Journal of Computational Science 9, pp. 88-93..
ArticleHow to Speed up Optimization? Opposite-Center Learning and Its Application to Differential Evolution. Procedia Computer Science 51, pp. 805-814..
ArticleFrom Data to Disruption. Digital Investigation 11, pp. 39-45..
ArticleFluid Simulations with Atomistic Resolution: Multiscale Model with Account of Nonlocal Momentum Transfer. Procedia Computer Science 51, pp. 1108-1117..
ArticleExperience of using FEM for real-time flood early warning systems: Monitoring and modeling Boston levee instability. Journal of Computational Science 10, pp. 13-25..
ArticleEvolving agent-based models using self-adaptive complexification. Journal of Computational Science 10, pp. 351-359..
ArticleDifferential evolution for system identification of self-excited vibrations. Journal of Computational Science 10, pp. 360-369..
ProceedingsDetecting erosion events in earth dam and levee passive seismic data with clustering. In: 2015 IEEE 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications. ISBN 9781509002870. pp. 903-910..
ArticleDensity-based evolutionary framework for crowd model calibration. Journal of Computational Science 6, pp. 11-22..
ArticleData-driven modeling of transportation systems and traffic data analysis during a major power outage in the Netherlands. Procedia Computer Science 66, pp. 336-345..
ArticleConvergence of the discrete dipole approximation. I. Theoretical analysis: erratum. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, Image Science and Vision 32(12), pp. 2407-2408..
ArticleComputational Science at the Gates of Nature, preface for ICCS 2015. Procedia Computer Science 51, pp. 1-8..
ArticleComplex agent networks: An emerging approach for modeling complex systems. Applied Soft Computing 37, pp. 311-321..
ArticleCombining data-driven methods with finite element analysis for flood early warning systems. Procedia Computer Science 51, pp. 2347-2356..
ArticleAn in silico study on the role of smooth muscle cell migration in neointimal formation after coronary stenting. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12(108), 20150358..
ProceedingsAn Asynchronous Synchronization Strategy for Parallel Large-scale Agent-based Traffic Simulations. In: SIGSIM-PADS'15. ISBN 9781450335836, 9781450335652. pp. 259-269..
ArticleA review of interactive narrative systems and technologies. Simulation 91(2), pp. 126-147..
ArticleA partition-based match making algorithm for dynamic ridesharing. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 16(5), pp. 2587-2598..
ArticleA mathematical model and simulation results of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of silicon nitride films. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 574, 012144..
ProceedingsКомпьютерное моделирование и экспериментальные исследования закономерностей плазмохимического осаждения тонких пленок нитрида кремния. In: Неделя науки СПбГПУ : материалы Научно-практической конференции с международным участием, 2-7 декабря 2013 года. ISBN 9785742243472, 9785742243243. 2, pp. 31-33..
ArticleValidation of an efficient two-dimensional model for dense suspensions of red blood cells. International Journal of Modern Physics C 25(12), 1441005..
ArticleUnderstanding the Sub-Cellular Dynamics of Silicon Transportation and Synthesis in Diatoms Using Population-Level Data and Computational Optimization. PLoS Computational Biology 10(6), e1003687..
ArticleTowards a data-driven approach to scenario generation for serious games. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 25(3-4), pp. 393-402..
ProceedingsToward Simulation-Based Egress Optimization in Smart Buildings Using Symbiotic Simulation. In: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2012. ISBN 9783319024462. pp. 987-999..
ArticleTopology dependent epidemic spreading velocity in weighted networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics : Theory and Experiment 2014(12), P12020..
ArticleTime-frequency Methods for Structural Health Monitoring. Sensors 14(3), pp. 5147-5173..
MSc ThesisThe use of genetic algorithms to find an optimum MHD as an approximate description of holes. Supervised by S. Markoff and A. Boukhanovsky..
ArticleThe skeleton of the staghorn coral Acropora millepora: molecular and structural characterization. PLoS ONE 9(6), e97454..
ArticleThe emergence of slums: A contemporary view on simulation models. Environmental Modelling & Software 59, pp. 76-90..
ArticleThe Relative Ineffectiveness of Criminal Network Disruption. Scientific Reports 4, 4238..